This integration task also addresses the need to implement functions for data validation, the correction of duplicate records among the inputs from D& B, IBM CRM sources, and RDc. 这个集成任务还将处理对来自D&B、IBMCRM源和RDc的输入间的记录重复进行数据验证和纠正的需求。
If this were a real application, you'd probably separate the database connection script from the rest of it and do all kinds of data validation within your query. 如果这是一个真实应用程序,您可能会分隔数据库连接脚本和其余部分,并在您的查询中进行各种数据验证。
This article showed how and when to use the QoS qualifiers to provide transaction handling, security handling, and data validation. 本文展示如何使用QoS限定符来提供事务处理、安全处理和数据验证,以及何时使用。
The invocation handler class is where all of the data validation logic is handled. 调用处理程序类是处理所有数据验证逻辑的地方。
This is where you can do a preliminary check by using the data validation qualifier. 在此您可以通过使用数据验证限定符进行初步检查。
The Java language's support for regular expressions can greatly simplify data validation. Java语言对正则表达式的支持可以大大简化数据验证。
For example, for data validation a list of issues can be reported as a response. 例如,对于数据验证,可以将一系列问题报告为一个响应。
By automating this data entry and data validation process for the tester, IBM Rational Manual Tester reduces human error. 通过为测试人员将数据输入和数据验证过程自动化,IBMRationalManualTester减少了人的错误。
Second, each data validation point requires code modification. 第二,每个数据验证点需要代码修饰。
Refer to XML Schema Repository information and XML data validation information 参考XMLSchemaRepository信息和XML数据验证信息
This is the cube that contains the Discretionary Expenses field that the Data Validation will be tested on. 这是一个含有DiscretionaryExpenses字段的数据集,DataValidation将在此字段上进行测试。
The merge process was unable to perform data validation on article '% 1'. 合并进程无法在项目%1上进行数据验证。
Use data validation to display errors when users enter invalid data. 使用数据验证可在用户输入无效数据时显示错误。
The merge process was unable to release locks on articles after performing data validation. 合并进程无法在数据验证后释放项目上的锁。
In addition to reusing controls and layout, you can reuse rules, conditional formatting, and data validation. 除了可重复使用控件和版式外,您还可以重复使用规则、条件格式和数据有效性。
However, on top of that we added bi-directional data binding, process and state management, improved localization support and an enhanced data validation framework. 然而,最重要的是我们增加了双向数据绑定、进程与状态管理,以及经过改善的本地化支持和增强的数据验证框架。
Cannot update changes while there are data validation errors in this list. 当列表中有数据有效性错误时,不能更新更改。
Distribution or merge agent passes data validation. 分发代理或合并代理通过数据验证。
Click the control that you want to add data validation to. 单击要添加数据验证的控件。
In the error checking dialog box, click resume to find the next data validation error. 在“错误检查”对话框中,单击“继续”查找下一个数据验证错误。
Method of Heterogeneous Data Validation Based on Interface Definition 基于接口定义的异构数据有效性验证方法
You cannot apply data validation to cells in a PivotTable. 不能对透视表应用数据有效性检验。
Application of Excel Function in Data Validation Set Excel函数在数据有效性设置中的应用
It is only meant to highlight the basic concepts of data validation. 它仅仅强调了数据验证的一些基本概念。
Lost Data Validation information in one or more sheets. 丢失了一个或多个工作表中的有效数据信息。
Any work items that still have data validation errors will not be published. 仍有数据验证错误的任何工作项都将不会发布。
If there are data validation errors or conflicts, the work item publishing errors dialog box automatically appears. 如果存在数据验证错误或冲突,则会自动出现“工作项发布错误”对话框。
This file contains functions for data validation and form-level events. 此文件包含数据验证和表单级别事件的函数。
If data validation needs to be performed, the exchange type must be bidirectional. 若要进行数据验证,交换类型必须是双向的。